Online Giving
Getting Started with Automated Giving
Automating your giving is one of the best ways to build faithfulness in your stewardship of what God has given you.
Automated Bill Pay is often the easiest and most effective way to automate your giving. In addition, 100% of your gift goes to the ministries of Riva Trace because there are no processing fees.
Use the information below to set up automated bill payment by your bank:
- Account Number: Envelope Number
- Payee: Riva Trace Baptist Church
- Payee Address: 475 West Central Avenue, Davidsonville, MD 21035
You may also choose to give online through the Riva Trace website. It’s safe, simple, and secure. All you will need is a few minutes to go through the process.

How to Use Your Offering Envelopes
- Write your name in the name field of your envelope and the total amount of your gift in the total field.
- Circle cash or check.
- Fill in the appropriate amounts next to the designations. If your gift is to “Other” please check the “other” line and below your name write in your designation, i.e. Food Pantry, Winter Relief, etc.
- Just use one envelope and/or check for the weeks you were unable to attend.
- Tax credit always goes to the name and address on the check. If it is a business check the tax credit goes to the business and not to an individual.
- Your gifts go directly from the basket to the safe. It is not necessary to glue, staple or tape the envelope.
- As a 501(c)3 tax exempt organization we can not accept “directed giving”. Only gifts to designations that have been approved by the Pastors and Elder Board can be accepted.
- All gifts are kept confidential.
For more information or to request your offering envelopes, please e-mail our Financial Assistant.