
“Where there is no vision, the people perish..”   Proverbs 29:18 

At RTBC God has given us the vision of being “Real people with real faith building real community in order to transform our world for Jesus Christ.” In order to implement that vision, we have established six core values that guide everything we do.  In this six week series we explore one of those values each week. Come learn how YOU can be a part of helping RTBC become the church God envisioned when He called us into existence.  Come find YOUR place in the story as we look at values like being relationally focused, biblically grounded, creating a loving culture and more! God is moving at RTBC. Come be a part of what He is doing. 

Title: 06 Commission Driven

Speaker: Pastor Orin Redmond

Date: 10/8/2023


Title: 05 Church Centered

Speaker: Pastor Dennis Gray

Date: 10/1/2023


Title: 04 Loving Culture

Speaker: Pastor Orin Redmond

Date: 9/24/2023


Title: 03 Biblically Grounded

Speaker: Pastor Dennis Gray

Date: 9/17/2023


Title: 02 Community Building

Speaker: Pastor Dennis Gray

Date: 9/10/2023


Title: 01 Relationship Focused

Speaker: Pastor Dennis Gray

Date: 9/3/2023