Winter Relief

The Winter Relief Program (WRP) is an emergency shelter for the growing population of homeless men and women during the winter months. Riva Trace is one of over 65 churches across Anne Arundel County who participate in this program every year. The winter of 2024-2025 will be RTBC’s 23rd year to serve in this ministry.  This year, we will host Winter Relief the week of January 6, 2025 to January 13, 2025

During this week each winter, we transform our gym into a dormitory and dining room for these men and women; serving and reflecting the love of Christ to them. Volunteers are needed for all aspects of the program – day and night hosts, meal preparers, bus riders, help desk personnel, barbers, hair stylists, laundry help, game coordinators, set-up/break-down crew, clean-up crew, lunch packers, and various other opportunities are available to serve our guests.

The blessings both given and received during this single week are felt and shared in a way only possible through allowing ourselves to be the hands and feet of Christ to “the least of these brothers” (Matthew 25:40).

E-mail: [email protected]

Phone:  410-798-4868

Ministry Leader: Charlie Creswell

Volunteer for Winter Relief